
30/12/2018 Important News update about Sarah

Hi folks, there is an important update from Sarah Gearing on the SurvivalSurgery4Sarah campaign page. She had to fly out to Barcelona at short notice for the completion of her surgery and the timing became urgent because, quite literally, she has a screw loose! Essentially this brings forward the need for her completion surgery so this can be corrected and Sarah’s spinal fusion can be finished. Please see the post on the public campaign page for full details and like and share from there as we need to make the post as active as possible so it circulates.
Sarah, we are all rooting for you. More updates will be posted as they become available, Sarah thanks you all for your continued support.


09/11/2018 One year on - Sarah's own words

Exactly one year ago Sarah had her life-saving surgery. Here is her thanks to all who supported her, in her own words:

So, here I am, exactly one year on from the day I had my life saving brain and spinal surgery in Barcelona - all thanks to the overwhelming generosity and hard work of all my supporters from around the world! How do I begin to say THANK YOU for giving me my life back? As I reflect on this time last year, preparing to face the biggest moment of my life, I see how far I have come.
It hasn't been an easy ride and my recovery has been hard work and is ongoing.
There have been SO many improvements to my quality of life (apart from still being alive!) such as clearer vision, no longer am I looking through "fog", or have the crippling pressure in my head that would leave me confined to my bed for much of my time, unable to speak and having seizures. My gastric failure has improved so much in the last 2 months that I now weigh 7 and half stone (48kg). This time last year my weight was considered critically low at just over 6 stone (42kg) - what a difference! I am so much healthier and have more energy.
In Sept I was able to enjoy celebrating my mum's 80th birthday with my family. Without your help and this surgery, I was not expected to be here to see my own mother turn 80. I can't describe how it felt, feels, to be alive. I am able to take my faithful Assistance Dog Otto out for his walks instead of relying on others to take him out. Last weekend my boyfriend David took me to a fireworks display, the first I have been able to go to in years. Before, the pressure in my head was too severe for me to stand the noise, I was simply far to unwell to be out for an evening like that.
One picture shows me and David with the hedgehog David won at one of the fair stands. Otto has adopted it and I have deliberately unoriginally named it "Spike". I had tears in my eyes as I watched the fabulous display of fireworks explode in the sky, how my life has changed! It still blows me away that we managed to raise £130,000 in just 6 weeks. I thank God and all of you more than I could ever say. Look out for some upcoming posts from me for more about how my life has changed and what my next steps are, as I prepare to have my one year on scans, watch this space! x


13/01/2018 BIG NEWS! Sarah is home!

We are delighted to announce that Sarah was declared fit to travel home by her doctors and has come home, arriving back in the UK late last night. Nearly three months ago she left home for Spain not knowing how long she would be away, or indeed if she would survive to make it home at all. The smiles all round say it all, and she was so happy to see David again. Thanks go to easyJet and Southend Airport for their support and assistance in bringing Sarah and her two carers home. 
As you know, Sarah's story is not over yet, please continue to provide your support as we seek to fundraise for the final surgery needed to complete Sarah's neck fusion later this year. 
Sarah, your friends and supporters wish you well as you recover, rest and settle back into life at home. We kindly request that friends who know Sarah are patient and give her space and time as she does so, she will let people know when she is ready to communicate and see people again. Thank you to everyone for your support.

