Listen up everyone, I've got some really exciting news! I have had problems with my sight for decades. With my brain stem compression and brain injury it had deteriorated badly. After I had my brain decompression surgery a year ago which relieved the brain stem compression and blocked brain fluid flow it improved significantly. I went from looking through varying degrees of white fog, to the fog completely disappearing. I was overjoyed by such an incredible improvement. But, I still was left with sight and vision problems. My peripheral (side) vision was still gone, a slight improvement on the left side, episodes of double and fanned out vision, things moving and becoming distorted with a limited field of vision. My old glasses made things worse post surgery and after tests, the new ones also just didn't work. I had seen eye specialists and had various types of testing but was told that was just it now, part of my EDS, brain injury etc and nothing more could be done. I had discussed with Dr Gilete my neurosurgeon in Spain my sight problems. At first he wasn't sure anything could be done to help but he wanted to check the pressure behind my eyes after my surgery and so arranged for a series of tests which were done on Friday and put me down to just have everything tested. It took over 3 hours and the results are mind-blowing. Firstly I discovered just how bad my vision truly is, I have only 45% vision in one eye and just 38% in the other. That is basically classified as partially sighted and blind. They were also able to find the points in my field of vision that turn into double/fanned vision. This is very useful for me to be aware of. I have damage of the connective tissue in my eyes which is caused by my EDS. Now comes the good part, my heart is pounding with excitement just typing this. The prescription lenses they have come up with gave me 85% vision in one eye and nearer 90% in the other!! No words can describe what I was suddenly seeing in front of me. I was holding back the tears because I knew if I started blubbering it would affect my sight and they weren't finished with me yet! But WOW this is going to be LIFE CHANGING. It's early days, we can't be certain of the long term result until I actually get my new glasses.It will not correct my double vision spots or help my field of vision but should make a massive difference to the range of vision I do have. As the prescription is not British I will have to pay for these glasses myself. I will need 2 pairs, the 2nd for reading, but it will be worth every penny. I have already spoken with my optician back home and they are happy to accept the prescription. I can't wait to get home and have these glasses made for me. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think anything like this was possible. I have lived with such poor sight for so long I had no perception of how blind I am. I am beyond excited. I thank God for this incredible answer to my prayers. The pic is of me at the eye test place. Please do share this unexpected and fabulous news, I am relying on donations to come in to get these glasses. Thank you all for your support, love to all. Xx