Sarah Gearing's Blog sharing her personal journey as she seeks to raise £200,000 for life-saving surgery and rehabilitation
21/12/2017 Positive News and Christmas Good Wishes
12/12/2017 Staying Put to get Stronger
Hi everyone, I’ve been battling to keep things down due to nausea from my antibiotics. So this evening they have started me on TPN which is IV nutrition. This will help me gain some weight and some strength back. My body is recovering from major surgery and infection and just needs this boost. I would appreciate all your prayers and support that I respond well and quickl. my body was so poorly it took a hammering going ahead with the surgery but I knew it was my only chance to survive and so despite knowing that the road would be rough, I chose to live. My recovery is a little slower than expected but I will get there. Your love and support carry me through and I can’t thank everyone enough. I will keep fighting and although I now won’t make it home for Christmas, I can’t wait to show you all the amazing results of my surgery. Not only has it saved my life but my quality of life will be so much better and i have you all to thank for that. i know that with Gods grace and your love I can do this, time to kick ass zebra style! Love to you all xxxx

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08/12/2017 Friends Arrive
A visit from friends and another surgical procedure
A couple of days after my brother Jon left I have enjoyed having two good friends visit me yesterday and today, it has been really good to see them as my recovery can feel like a long road.
Unfortunately I have had a CSF (cerebral spinal fluid) leak these past couple of days, which has been giving me some problems, and have been told there are still traces of wound infection, but this time lower down. In addition, I have had an abscess developing on the back of my head as a result of so much time lying on my back, even though I am moved onto my side at regular intervals. As a result they are taking me back to theatre this afternoon to deal with all three issues at the same time - stopping the CSF leak and replenishing spinal fluids, flushing out and treating the wound infection, and treating the abscess.
I don’t therefore expect to be online much immediately following this, but please do pray that all goes well. I am hoping the procedures I’m having will deal effectively with all these issues.
Thank you to you all for your support as always - onwards and upwards!
The news from Sarah's carer as of this evening is that things have gone well and she is spending the night under observation in ICU and all being well should be back on the ward tomorrow.
04/12/2017 Jon Heads Home
02/12/2017 Sarah sits up in her wheelchair
01/12/2017 A Day of progress
30/11/2017 Another good day
Sarah had another good day today. The doctors are pleased with how she’s doing but she still has to lie flat all day.
The doctors, nurses and all the hospital staff are brilliant. They are so attentive and knowledgeable, and that’s meant they’ve been right on top of everything. She is being kept comfortable and it’s all helping her feel her positive self.
Sarah knows there are a lot of you following this blog, thinking of her and praying for her. That means a great deal to her!
29/11/2017 Sarah's getting better
27/11/2017 update from Sarah's Brother Jon
20/11/2017 A setback but also good news
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16/11/2017 1 week after Surgery
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15/11/2017 Day 6 Sarah tells us how it is!
14/11/2017 Day 5 Feeling Positive
Sarah is feeling upbeat today and says her peripheral vision has not only improved but she no longer has pain with eye movement. She has been having some good rest, starting to eat a little better, and has been enjoying the view from her third-floor window. Her mother has sent her a letter or card to open on each day of her time away, and Sarah particularly enjoyed today's.
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13/11/2017 4 Days post Surgery
12/11/2017 ..3 Days Post Surgery
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10/11/2017 SARAH UPDATE, 10 Nov: Day After Surgery
We are pleased to report that Sarah is now awake and on the path to a good recovery. Her breathing tubes are out and she is talking, with a little difficulty. She is still heavily sedated but in her own words is ‘compos mentis’ and can recall factual details. Early indications with regard to her nerve pathways seem good. She will be moved out of ICU onto a recovery ward this evening. Sarah would want us all to thank you for your care and concern, and her campaign team ask all who have supported her this far to consider how you may be able to support our continued fundraising. We look forward to sharing more in the coming days and weeks.
Thank you all.
09/11/2017 Life-Saving Surgery Day- UPDATED
Sarah went into surgery at 8am this morning feeling at peace and knowing she is in the best possible hands. She even started the day with a giggle with Dr Oliver and Dr Gilete, the two neurosurgeons who are operating on her today. Dr Oliver seemed to have a little trouble with the 'V-for-victory' sign... perhaps a thumbs up is best!
Sarah's boyfriend David, good friend Fiona and her carer Sue have been with her during this time and will update us with news as they have it. She managed one last video message for us all just prior to surgery, which is posted below.
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The SurvivalSurgery4Sarah campaign team are absolutely delighted to report that Sarah’s surgery finished earlier than expected, and Dr Gilete has said it went well. David received a call at 6.30pm UK time summoning him to the hospital and he arrived to see Sarah’s anaesthetist leaving with a big smile, which was the first indication of good news.
In summary, the immediate life-saving element of Sarah’s surgery has been completed, and it is the generosity of everyone’s support that has made that possible. For now, we celebrate good news and are grateful to God, Sarah’s family and friends, and all near and far who have supported her to get to this point. We look forward to providing more updates in the coming days.
08/11/2017 Tomorrow is the big day!
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07/11/2017 Halo fitting day
Posted on Sarah's behalf by Sara Millington:
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06/11/2017 The Day Before Halo
I have spent this evening being so grateful for everyone's generosity - their financial contributions to make this possible, and their love and prayers. I know I won't be able to update you much myself after tomorrow but David will send some updates through on my behalf.
05/11/2017..Meeting with Friends
04/11/2017 Settling In
02/11/2017 Relaxing
Today I managed to get up at 3pm and was feeling much better. I even managed to take a dip in the lovely hydrotherapy pool! So amazing to feel free in the warm water, it's kept at 35degrees. So good for the pain in my muscles. At home I can't use the pools as the lower temperature puts me into autonomic shock and I am allergic to the dye and chlorine used. This pool is salt water, perfect!
Feeling stronger, onwards and upwards xx
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01/11/2017 Non Eventful Day
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27/10/2017 Feeling Tired
I'm doing remarkably well considering but I am feeling tired and each day is a reminder that I desperately need this surgery. Today I battled to manipulate the mouse pad on my laptop. With no feeling in my fingertips it is difficult to do simple things like that. The last few nights I've been up with sickness throughout the night only settling in bed at 5.30am. I can feel myself getting weaker. You'd never guess it from my smiling photos during the few hours I am able to function more. Fluid released from the pressure in my head ran down my throat into my chest again but I managed to cough it up this time. Hoping for a better night, onwards and upwards!